Fostering physician driven research
CoreAalst fosters innovation and promotes knowledge trough standardized clinical trial activities to improve patient care
CT Guided PCI
A novel approach to incorporate 3-dimensional CT guidance for percutaneous coronary interventions optimizing resource utilization and improving patient selection for percutaneous revascularization.
Pullback Pressure Gradient
A novel metric based on FFR pullbacks that quantifies the pattern of epicardial coronary artery disease as focal or diffuse.
Microcirculation Resistance Ratio MRR
An innovative way to assess the microcirculatory function.
Virtual PCI
Predicting the results of your percutaneous coronary intervention using the HeartFlow Planner. From diagnostic coronary CT to a patient-tailored, physiology-guided coronary revascularization in collaboration with HeartFlow Inc.
Online Wall Shear Stress and TSVI
A 3DQCA-based software providing in few minutes reliable WSS simulations. The WSS topological skeleton feature TSVI showed strong predictive capacity for MI. Lesions culprit of future MI had higher area stenosis, pressure gradient, TAWSS and TSVI.
A fruitful collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, CHUV Lausanne and Pie Medical Imaging.